January 3, 2011

Third Trimester Expansions...

Well, here I am. 29 weeks and counting. My stomach is huge. My digestion is strained. My heart-burn is looming. The baby is making his/her presence known nightly at eleven or so, and early in the morning at, like, four. I hope this is not a sign of future sleep patterns...

This pregnancy, in so many ways, is very different from my last. I pay very little attention to it - mostly because my life just doesn't give me the time to indulge. And so, today, let's indulge a little...

I think I will think about how different the experience of pregnancy number two is from number one.

To begin with, I am much less sensitive to such comments as 'My you carry wide', or 'You're starting to waddle', or 'You've really blossomed'. That's my favourite one right there!

I used to really get upset. In fact I told a coworker who commented on my roundness to back off.

Yup. I was sensitive and snappy.

This time, neither...Well, less anyhow; my hubby may disagree with me. I am still very much striving for order, organization, and declutter - much like pregnancy number one; and this need for structure and control over my environment makes me less than easygoing in the eyes of poor jb.

And yet, regardless of my urgent need to clean, I do feel less hormonal all around. My emotions aren't quite so wonky. With the last pregnancy, I remember losing it on several occasions and feeling very justified in so doing. I should have known all along that I was having a girl. Those female hormones can be a bitch! ha ha!

So what I do find myself doing this time is wondering if a different pregnancy means a different baby gender? Well, I won't find out until the big day (which btw, me hopes is at least a week or two before e's second birthday - how am I gonna throw her the ultimate Dora-themed-shindig if babe is just born or being born???)...

I suppose that is one glitch I will not be able to control or predict...

Issues for another day.

Okay, back to the comparison game. Last time, you could have bowled me over when I found out I bore a baby girl. I was beyond over the moon -- I was extatic! I didn't think I would be so lucky! I didn't even plan for a girl: ask anyone! e's nursery is everything boy! I was so so thrilled to hear the words it's a girl utter from the good ol' doc's mouth! Not that there's anything wrong with boys, but I was raised with four brothers and no sisters...I felt due for some estrogen/bonding in my life!

I was so sure I was having a boy, in fact, that when I was in labour, I asked the Resident if there was any correlation between hairs growing on one's chin and having a boy? The logic would follow, don't you think? Hairy=testosterone=boy...I was shameless. Truly shameless. I mean, who admits to a hairy chin? Well, now you know.

But no hairy chin this time.

Last time I had big boobs.

This time I have big boobs.

Apparently big boobs means baby girl.

But what of the change in how I feel hormonally? Or LOOK hormonally for that matter?! I no longer HAVE to see the waxer every three weeks...


I am in a pickle. A conundrum.

And some say I have gained and carry differently this time.  I am not so sure. I see pretty much the same round girly as last time...

In fact, I remember this phase from last time all too well: my thighs are rubbing together and I am starting to waddle...Yup. That's the same as last time...

And so , I ask any of you who've had babes before: are any two pregnancies the same? Can one predict the baby gender after a history of baby producing and bearing? Are there any full-proof signs other than the ultrasound confirmation?


One more thing: I was much less nauseous this time around; though my digestion is much worse...

 Why do I even ask or worry since I didn't want to know the gender, you may be asking yourself?

Fair question...

Because, while I have little time to indulge, it is fun to ponder and spend a little time focusing on this little lucky miracle that is happening to jb, e and me.

 Now, let's see if I am so happy indulging in pregancy thoughts when I next visit my doc and she tells me how much weight I've gained over Christmas. At that point, I may decide it's time to change the subject altogether.

Until then, happy eating!


  1. Can't wait to find out...boy or girl!! The baby will be adorable. I can't believe I am only 6 days away from my own due date. Crazy!

  2. dudette! that was the fastest response ever! 6 days! OMG! I am so excited for you! You better blog and email and facebook and and all that so I am up-to-date on all things baby lyons!

  3. I will for sure!! And when your sweet one is here we can meet for mommy dates. I was thinking more about all the stupid sh%t people say to you when you are pregnant, and being told you are small is no better than big. I have been worried for like 6 months straight because everybody, EVERYBODY tells me I don't look pregnant enough. Seriously, is there such a thing as pregnant enough?

  4. Anonymous4.1.11

    My anecdote comes from Becky: she was convinced that her second was a boy. She said she had experienced the same, uneventful pregnancy. As you know, her second, born in November, turned out to be a girl, little Adina. Becky now claims that she will never believe her intuition again...Every fibre had told her that she was having another boy. Who knows?

    Lovin' the Baby Whisperer. Great Gift.


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